Andy currently Chairs BSI Committee B/525/2 - Structural use of concrete. The Committee is responsible for the UK input to CEN/TC 250/SC 2 Eurocode 1992 - Design of concrete structures and Eurocodes related documents.
Andy was a member of the drafting committee for the Concrete Society Technical Report 43 – Post Tensioned Concrete Floors (Second Edition). Andy has also been involved in the drafting of Concrete Society Technical Report 47 – Durable Post-tensioned Concrete Structures. Andy is currently a member of the Concrete Society Working Party which is tasked with producing the third edition of Concrete Society Technical Report 43
Andy is currently the Convenor for fib (federation internationale du béton) Commission 1, Task Group 1.3 – Buildings. Andy part-authored and edited a joint publication with the UK Concrete Centre and fib providing a design guide of the Structural Engineering Design of Tall Buildings in Concrete. This was published as both a Concrete Centre Guide and fib Bulletin No 73. Andy is also a Member of fib Commission 1 – Structures.
BEng Hons Civil Engineering, CEng, MIStructE, MICE